Our Maths Curriculum
At Telford Junior School, we aim to prepare children for the future by providing opportunities for a broad, balanced and deep understanding of Maths and how it is essential to everyday life. We endeavour to ensure that children develop an enjoyment and enthusiasm for Maths, by providing opportunities to learn and practise skills in an active and practical way and through careful consideration of pairings and groupings. We challenge and support all children through carefully planned sequences of lessons, which develop fluency with number facts and operations and gives them the skills to reason mathematically and solve increasingly sophisticated routine and non-routine problems. Children learn to use and apply their mathematical knowledge, language and skills in other curriculum areas and in real-life situations.
What Our Pupils Say About Maths
"I love Mental Maths!"
"I love doing challenges and getting onto Zoom."
"I help others in Maths."
Year 3 pupils
“Maths is the highlight of my day!”
“My teacher explains Maths to me well.”
"I want to do well at Maths."
"I love Active Maths!"
Y4 pupils
"I really like Maths and I try to do my best."
"I like Maths and I feel confident."
Y5 pupils
Results of Our Pupil Survey
- 98% of pupils across the school strongly agree or agree that they want to do well at Maths.
- 83% of pupils across the school strongly agree or agree that they enjoy Maths.
- 84% of pupils across the school strongly agree or agree that they feel confident with knowing and using number facts.
- 82% of pupils across the school strongly agree or agree that they feel confident using methods for calculation.