School Meals
Our school lunches are provided through by ABM Catering and are cooked on site. There is a choice of main courses and desserts.
Meals are planned to meet nutritional standards, whilst taking account of the children’s likes and dislikes with a vegetarian option, pasta and jacket potatoes with a choice of fillings (cheese and/or beans or tuna) available daily.
Our menus are available to view below
Payment should be made at least a week in advance via the ParentPay dinner account and the cost per day is £. It is possible to select a pattern of school dinners and sandwiches within the week, but this pattern will need to be followed for the full half-term, with notice given in advance to change the pattern for the next half-term.
Alternatively, children may bring packed lunches. Parents/carers and children are encouraged to think about how these can be made as healthy as possible, providing for a balanced diet. It is important that your child's name and class are clearly written on their lunchbox.
For useful ideas and advice on packing a healthy lunchbox for your child the Public Health Agency leaflet Are you packing a healthy lunch information leaflet can be read here.
Since a number of children suffer from nut allergies, please do not send nuts, or food items containing nuts, into school as part of your child’s packed lunch, as a break time snack, or on special occasions (e.g. birthdays, cake sales, etc.)
Information is available here on How to apply for Free School Meals and from the school office.
If your child brings a packed lunch, but is eligible for free school meals we would very much appreciate you applying for free school meals even if these are not taken as it helps the school with funding.
Week One Menu - Autumn Term 2024
Week One Menu - Autumn Term 2024 can also be viewed here
Week Two Menu - Autumn Term 2024
Week Two Menu - Autumn Term 2024 can also be viewed here
Week Three Menu - Autumn Term 2024
Week Three - Autumn Menu can also be viewed here
Break Time Snacks
In the interests of promoting children’s health, we ask that children bring fruit in for their break time snack. Working with the School Council, the children understand the value of eating fruit, as opposed to less healthy options.
Water in School
Children are encouraged to drink water during the school day, bringing their own water bottle into the classroom, which is always available to them. The children are educated in the benefits of drinking water regularly throughout the day. Water bottles need to be named. They should return home each evening to be washed out. They then need to come back into school the following morning re-filled.