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Information for Prospective Parents/Carers

School Website

Through our school website, we aim to provide all the key information families might require prior to their child joining and while they are being educated at Telford Junior School. The website, therefore, has replaced the prospectus and parent guide, helping to ensure that information is accurate and current. 

Year 2 Transition

During the Summer Term, Year 2 pupils will have the opportunity to visit the school prior to their transition to the Junior School in September. This will include the Central Area Transition Day, when the Year 2 children spend the day at the Junior School, while the Year 6 children are visiting their secondary schools. 

Summer Term Information Evening

During the Summer Term, we will also hold an information evening for parents/carers. This presents an opportunity to meet with staff, to have a look around the school facilities and to ask any questions you might have.