Pupil Premium
Pupil Premium is funding allocated by the government to all schools in England. The amount of funding available for each school is calculated according to the number of 'Looked After', recently ‘Looked After’ and Free School Meals eligible students as well as those who have a parent or parents who serve in the forces or who are in receipt of a forces pension.
The funding is applied for by parents and if eligible the school will be given the additional funding.
To find out if your eligible and how you can apply please see the WCC Apply for Free School Meals Information or call Warwickshire County Council on 01926 742543.
The purpose of the additional funding is to address the underlying inequalities between disadvantaged pupils and their peers. It exists to help schools narrow the attainment gap that still exists between pupils from disadvantaged and more affluent backgrounds.
The report below details how we spend the money allocated to us and the impact that the additional funding has on improving outcomes for disadvantaged pupils.